The year 2022 has been filled with challenges and valuable lessons for the Wiese Foundation. Through its different educational, cultural and innovation projects, framed in its institutional values of identity, solidarity and equity, the Wiese Foundation reaffirms its commitment to working for a Peru forged by better citizens.
Below, we make a brief account of the work carried out within the framework of each of its 4 programs.
Educational Quality Program
Within the framework of its Educational Quality program, the Wiese Foundation inaugurated the School and Identity project, learning and coexistence from the territory, an initiative that seeks to contribute to promoting positive interpersonal relationships, based on respect, equity and trust among all members of the educational community of the schools located in the area of influence of the El Brujo Archaeological Complex.
Along the same lines, our institution conducted the first School and Identity Fair, a valuable cultural and educational venue that aimed to present the 16 learning projects designed and executed by the students and teachers of the 14 schools in the area of influence of the El Brujo Archaeological Complex that are served by the intervention.
Moreover, within the framework of its commitment to quality education and the enhancement of the Peruvian cultural heritage, the Foundation produced educational content that was made available to the Ministry of Education and the general public through its digital platforms.
Humanitarian Aid Program
In alliance with Fundación Niños del Arco Iris, Adra Perú and Asociación Red Suma, the Wiese Foundation implemented three health campaigns, in the provinces of Urubamba, Calca and Canchis, in the Cusco region. Their objective was to promote health care and provide medical care to more than 1,200 vulnerable people, from around 15 communities.
It also provided support to the Wiñaypaq association in Calca, Cusco, ensuring the necessary resources for its students to continue receiving a good quality education. Additionally, through the project of expansion and conditioning of the water well of their school, we succeeded in solving definitively the problems of water scarcity that afflicted them during the months of low water levels.
Moreover, the Wiese Foundation signed an agreement with the League Against Cancer in order to work together in favor of cancer prevention in several cities in Peru. The first activity within the framework of this agreement was the design, acquisition and conditioning of a modern mobile unit equipped to perform screenings for up to 5 types of cancer in vulnerable areas of Metropolitan Lima and 5 provinces of the country.
Also, responding to the environmental emergency caused by the oil spill in Loreto, together with its strategic ally ADRA PERÚ, the Wiese Foundation donated water dispenser bottles, food and medicine to attend to the affected communities of the Urarinas district in Loreto.
El Brujo Archaeological Program
As for its cultural initiatives, the Wiese Foundation fully led the editorial project “The funerary context of the Lady of Cao“, a monograph of testimonial archaeology that gives an account, for the first time at the institutional level, of the research of past years around the aforementioned context.
It also carried out the eighth edition of the International Colloquium of Archaeology, in which important topics were addressed, such as: archaeology financed through the mechanism of works for taxes –The Case of El Brujo–; the fundamentals of dating and estimating times or the chronology in Andean archaeology; as well as the results of research with the same approach.
Also this year, the Wiese Foundation conducted the reopening of the Courtyard of the Marine Friezes, a tourist attraction that presents the courtyard decorated with beautiful Moche polychromes, in whose corner ceremonial enclosure are featured two representations of the «Decapitator» or «Aia Paec», the main deity of the Mochica culture.
Committed to the dissemination of culture at the national level, the Wiese Foundation signed a cooperation agreement with the Economic Culture Fund, through which the Foundation’s publications are distributed, promoted and marketed nationwide.
Moreover, we successfully completed the general inventory of movable cultural assets in El Brujo, a core stage for the preservation and management of the archaeological heritage under the custody of the Wiese Foundation, thanks to which the foundations were laid for the democratization of access to the collections of El Brujo, as well as for the generation of new projects at the service of the community in general.
Entrepreneur Fund Program
Finally, on November 15, Wiese Foundation successfully launched the second edition of the Entrepreneur Fund, an initiative that brings together social enterprises, nationwide, with the aim of choosing, among them, those that will make up its second portfolio.
The year 2022 leaves us with valuable learnings and great satisfaction for all that was achieved. We thank all our allies and friends for making each of these stories possible. Let us keep dreaming and working together to transform Peru into a country forged by better citizens. Learn more about the Wiese Foundation here.