It contributes directly and channels donations from people and institutions to serve the most vulnerable communities in emergencies and disasters.
The Wiese Foundation annually allocates a fixed amount of money to activate and promote a humanitarian aid campaign. This annual campaign seeks to help alleviate the suffering of vulnerable communities that must face emergencies and disasters.
State: open
Programa de Ayuda Humanitaria
El pasado 23 de octubre la Fundación Wiese (FW) y el Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas (INEN) suscribieron un convenio específico de cooperación interinstitucional. En el marco de este convenio, la Fundación Wiese ha seleccionado a Hoppnic, como responsable de diseñar y fabricar prótesis avanzadas de extremidades superiores para pacientes oncológicos del INEN. Esta alianza permitirá a pacientes referidos por el INEN accedan a prótesis mecánicas y mioeléctricas de última tecnología, promoviendo su autonomía y mejorando su calidad de vida.
State: openHumanitarian Aid Program
Wiese Foundation made an important donation to the San José Marello dining room, located in the San Juan de Miraflores district of Lima, with the aim of improving the conditions in which the lunch service is provided and promoting the well-being of the beneficiaries and workers .
In addition, it includes the execution of a comprehensive health campaign that includes screening for up to 5 types of cancer.
Humanitarian Aid Program
Within the framework of the Wiese Foundation's Humanitarian Aid Program, the distribution of 400 15 kg Kits was organized. Raw food for the same number of victims and affected families in the most impacted areas of the province of Chepén. With this, it seeks to bring relief to the critical situation that the aforementioned families are going through, attending to their food needs, while they manage to resume their usual activities of economic sustenance.
State: openHumanitarian Aid Program
The heavy rains, registered in the province of Camaná, Arequipa, caused the activation of the San Martín ravine, causing the fall of a mudslide that seriously affected the town of Secocha and other towns.
The mudslide that fell in the Secocha prison caused one of the deadliest disasters in recent years, according to the complementary INDECI report.
In this context and within the framework of its Humanitarian Aid Program, the Wiese Foundation and its strategic ally – ADRA Peru – came together to meet the needs of the affected people.
Humanitarian Aid Program
Wiese Foundation - through its strategic ally ADRA PERÚ - made the donation of 887 20-L water drums and 3,740 kilos of food to serve 2,996 people from 887 families from 6 affected communities. All these foods served to implement common pots that provided food to the affected population. In addition, medicines valued at more than 3,000 thousand soles were donated to serve the 272 families of the Cuninico community.
State: closedHumanitarian Aid Program
The Wiese Foundation and the League Against Cancer signed a collaboration agreement with the aim of articulating efforts and carrying out joint actions to eliminate barriers to access to primary care, promoting greater equity and providing a quality medical service for the prevention and early detection of cancer.
Thanks to this agreement, the "Acquisition and conditioning of a Mobile Unit for the development of preventive actions against Cancer" project will be carried out, with an investment of more than 1 million soles. With it, these organizations seek to increase cancer detection coverage through accessible, efficient and quality services.
Humanitarian Aid Program
Within the framework of the collaboration alliance that the Wiese Foundation maintains with the Wiñaypaq Educational Association, the decision was made to make the necessary efforts to definitively resolve the water scarcity problems that afflict the school – directed by the Referred Association – during the dry season (lowest level or minimum flow reached by the aquifers, rivers and lakes in the dry season).
State: closedHumanitarian Aid Program
Within the framework of its Humanitarian Aid Program, the Wiese Foundation organized - in alliance with Fundación Niños del Arco Iris, Adra Perú and Asociación Red Suma - the implementation of three health campaigns, in the provinces of Urubamba, Calca and Canchis, in the Cusco region. The objective of this was to promote health care and provide medical care to more than 1,000 vulnerable people, from around 15 communities.
State: closedHumanitarian Aid Program
In the context of the health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Wiese Foundation managed and financed an important donation to EsSalud of 100 high-flow oxygen equipment, Wayrachis, which were used to save human lives, opening a light of hope for dozens of patients who needed urgent care in hospitals across the country. Likewise, the donation of 13 oxygen calibrators was managed to facilitate and control the use of the Wayrachis donated to EsSalud.
State: closedHumanitarian Aid Program
The city of Cañete has its own medicinal oxygen plant, which generated the joy of residents of both this area and Yauyos; because they were able to access, at a social price, the medical oxygen so necessary to treat patients affected by COVID-19.
State: closedHumanitarian Aid Program
The Wiese Foundation made an important donation of virtual reality kits for digital sedation to the Pediatric Oncology Area of the Guillermo Almenara Hospital of EsSalud, in the Lima region. The viewers are virtual reality devices whose software, developed in Peru, makes it possible to reduce the sensation of pain during the treatment of children with cancer and minors who must undergo invasive medical procedures.
State: closedHumanitarian Aid Program
More than 1,000 vulnerable households from the eight districts of the province of Ascope, in the region of La Libertad, were the beneficiaries of the 'We are together for your well-being' campaign, organized by the Wiese Foundation, in alliance with the Montpelier Foundation, Adra Peru and Suma Network Association. The purpose of this new campaign – part of the Wiese Foundation Humanitarian Aid Program – was to help alleviate the impact that the health crisis and its serious economic consequences have had on the most vulnerable, in the districts of Rázuri, Chicama, Santiago de Cao, Chocope, Paiján, Casa Grande, Magdalena de Cao and Ascope. The beneficiaries of this important initiative received food assistance, medical care and counseling for comprehensive health care.
State: closedHumanitarian Aid Program
In the face of the global health emergency unleashed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Wiese Foundation has quintupled the usual financial contribution for its annual Humanitarian Aid program, with the purpose of contributing to saving lives, supporting our brave doctors and health personnel, as well as giving financial support to the most vulnerable families that have not received help from the government to face the crisis.
Learn more about the initiative and join the We Are Together! Campaign
Solidarity Humanitarian Aid Program
The Humanitarian Aid Program of the Wiese Foundation annually allocates a fixed amount of money to activate and promote various humanitarian aid campaigns, normally aimed at addressing emergency and disaster situations. However, this year 2019, we made the decision to invest the aforementioned fund in what is intended to be the beginning of a new multi-year humanitarian aid project, through which we will seek to summon people and institutions with a generous heart who wish to join our purpose of contributing to change the destiny of Peruvian families in a state of extreme vulnerability.
The initiative begins with the construction and installation of certified improved kitchens in 74 homes in the high Andean communities of Calca and Lares, in the Cusco region, as well as the training of families for their proper use and maintenance, the delivery of educational materials on good practices in food preparation and nutritious recipes based on the products of the area.
Humanitarian Aid Program
The particularly severe and prolonged cold wave that was faced by the high Andean areas of our country in 2018 caused damage to the life, health and economy of the most vulnerable inhabitants from 11 regions of the country, which were declared in state of emergency by the Peruvian State. Hence, the WIESE FOUNDATION, together with ADRA Peru and Panamericana TV, drove and promoted a humanitarian aid campaign that provided 3002 children and older adults with warm clothes, as well as kits x 2 blankets to 1400 families living in 54 districts located above 3,500 m.a.s.l. from four regions of the country: Tacna, Puno, Huancavelica and Cuzco. This year, these districts withstood temperatures reaching -18Cº.
State: closed
Humanitarian Aid Program
Disaster relief campaigns: In the face of the devastating effects of the mudslides and floods that occurred in the first quarter of 2017, as a consequence of the El Niño Phenomenon, The Wiese Foundation took immediate action, articulating and managing a network of humanitarian aid in partnership with various public and private institutions, with the aim of alleviating the suffering of the most vulnerable victims in the regions of Piura, Lambayeque and La Libertad. This campaign was called “Together for the Northern Coast", and, through it, it was possible to provide timely and effective care for 15,620 families.
State: closed