The Wiese Foundation, in accordance with the spirit of its founder, dedicates the income from its assets to individuals and entities whose objective is not for profit, but essentially one of human solidarity, and lends its support to the development of education, the promotion of culture and scientific research, while still granting assistance to religious entities, social hospital assistance entities and charities in general. Over the past years, it has managed, backed, articulated and/or sponsored the following projects and campaigns:
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La Fundación Wiese, en colaboración con el Gobierno Suizo, ha dado un paso significativo hacia la conservación del patrimonio cultural peruano. Recientemente, la Oficina Federal de Cultura (OFC) de Suiza ha aprobado una solicitud de asistencia financiera para un proyecto que busca catalogar y preservar la información de los bienes culturales del complejo arqueológico El Brujo.
El pasado 23 de octubre la Fundación Wiese (FW) y el Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas (INEN) suscribieron un convenio específico de cooperación interinstitucional. En el marco de este convenio, la Fundación Wiese ha seleccionado a Hoppnic, como responsable de diseñar y fabricar prótesis avanzadas de extremidades superiores para pacientes oncológicos del INEN. Esta alianza permitirá a pacientes referidos por el INEN accedan a prótesis mecánicas y mioeléctricas de última tecnología, promoviendo su autonomía y mejorando su calidad de vida.
Realizamos la clausura de la primera intervención del proyecto Escuela e Identidad en Ascope (2022-2024). Un espacio lleno de emociones, reconocimiento y logros compartidos por 14 escuelas participantes.
La tercera edición de la feria ‘Escuela e Identidad’ no solo celebró el vínculo entre educación y patrimonio, sino que también fue un espacio para que estudiantes, docentes, artesanos, sabias y sabios compartieran sus conocimientos y habilidades, fortaleciendo la identidad cultural de nuestra región.
With the title "Identity, Heritage, and Citizenship," this new season presents a pedagogical reflection on the construction of identity and the sense of belonging in school, alongside specialists from diverse backgrounds.
The Wiese Foundation reaffirms its ongoing commitment to supporting children with hearing difficulties. As a key partner of the Peruvian Center for Audition, Language, and Learning (CPAL), it is making significant efforts to support the scholarship program of this institution, aimed at economically disadvantaged students facing hearing difficulties that impact their language skills and integration into society.
The series 'Knowledge of My Community' aims to preserve and disseminate the ancestral knowledge of master artisans from various localities in the province of Ascope. With the creation of this series, the Foundation seeks to highlight the work of master artisans and their role in transmitting knowledge and traditions to the new generations.
In line with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 4: Quality Education, this new alliance envisions a synergy that will facilitate the implementation of innovative education in public and rural schools. It focuses on improving school management, effectively integrating Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) into the learning process, and fostering the emotional well-being of the entire educational community.
As part of its Humanitarian Aid Program, the Wiese Foundation facilitated the donation of medicines valued at nearly S/28,000 to the Association of Bienaventuranzas, with the aim of contributing to the important work of this organization and thus benefiting vulnerable individuals at its shelter.
As part of its "Together for the North" campaign, the Wiese Foundation, in partnership with ADRA Peru, conducted its third distribution of dry food kits to assist 500 affected families in the province of Sechura, in the Piura region.
Wiese Foundation, in partnership with ADRA PERU, donated dry food kits to 200 families affected by the landslide in Camaná (Arequipa), aiming to provide food support for a period of 5 days.
Wiese Foundation made a significant donation to the San José Marello dining hall, located in the district of San Juan de Miraflores in Lima, with the aim of improving the conditions under which lunch service is provided and promoting the well-being of beneficiaries and staff. Additionally, it includes the implementation of a comprehensive health campaign that involves screening for up to 5 types of cancer.
As part of the Wiese Foundation's Humanitarian Aid Program, the distribution of 400 kits, each containing 15 kg of raw food, was organized for the same number of affected families in the most impacted areas of the Chepén province. This initiative aims to provide relief to the critical situation faced by these families, addressing their food needs while they are able to resume their usual economic activities.
In collaboration with the Ministry of Education, the Wiese Foundation has designed the 4th Season of the Socio-Emotional Skills Series, presenting guidance to address real issues gathered from school administrators and teachers in different regions of Peru. It also proposes alternatives for their proper management through reflection and recommendations developed by a specialist in the topic being addressed.
The second edition of the "Entrepreneurial Fund" program by the Wiese Foundation aims to become an Impact Investment platform that identifies and supports duly established social enterprises in Peru. In 2022, the Entrepreneurial Fund is supported by various institutional partners committed to the social entrepreneurship ecosystem such as Unesco, W-Capital, and UTEC Ventures.
In the context of the environmental emergency caused by the oil spill in Loreto, the Wiese Foundation - through its strategic partner ADRA PERU - donated 887 water drums and 3,740 kilograms of food to assist 2,996 individuals from 887 families in 6 affected communities in the Urarinas district of Loreto. Additionally, 52 types of medicines, valued at over 3000 soles, were donated to the Cuninico Health Post for the care of 272 families.
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The 'School and Identity' fair featured the participation of 14 educational institutions focused in Ascope, La Libertad. The 16 learning projects designed and executed by the students, along with their teachers, were presented, along with the participation of community elders.
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Through a collaboration agreement between both institutions, the Wiese Foundation will donate and equip a modern mobile unit capable of screening for up to 5 types of cancer in vulnerable areas of Metropolitan Lima and 5 provinces across the country.
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En el marco de su Programa de Ayuda Humanitaria, la Fundación Wiese organizó – en alianza con Fundación Niños del Arco Iris, Adra Perú y Asociación Red Suma – la implementación de tres campañas de salud, en las provincias de Urubamba, Calca y Canchis, en la región del Cusco. El objetivo de esta fue promover el cuidado de la salud y brindar atención médica a más de 1000 personas vulnerables, provenientes de alrededor de 15 comunidades. Las personas asistentes accedieron gratuitamente a los servicios de ecografía, triaje, farmacia y medicamentos.
Wiese Foundation launched the book 'The Funerary Context of the Lady of Cao.' This monograph of testimonial archaeology provides, for the first time at an institutional level, an account of the years of research surrounding the mentioned context.
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The School and Identity, learning and coexistence from the territory project seeks to contribute to promoting positive interpersonal relationships, based on respect, equity and trust among all members of the educational community of schools located in the area of influence of the El Brujo Archaeological Complex. As a consequence, it is expected to significantly strengthen the school climate, in order to improve learning processes.
To achieve this, the Project will leverage the scientific research and cultural management program that the Wiese Foundation has been conducting for more than 30 years in the aforementioned cultural space, because we understand that this represents an inexhaustible and unique source of knowledge for the educational community in the area. learning opportunities and the possibility of contributing significantly to the strengthening of the identity with their school and with their territory.
Within the framework of the collaboration alliance that the Wiese Foundation maintains with the Wiñaypaq Educational Association, the project "Improvement of the water flow capacity of the existing IEP Wiñaypaq well" was carried out, which had the objective of carrying out the deepening and reconditioning of the school's water well, to ensure the required supply during all months of the year. In this way, it was sought to definitively resolve the problems of water scarcity that afflict the school – directed by the aforementioned Association – during the dry season.
The Wiese Foundation, together with the UNMSM and the Antamina Mining Company, came together to reissue one of Dr. Tello's magnum opuses. This new edition, which bears the Bicentennial Seal for the independence of Peru, greatly improves the layout, corrects several errors in the original edition and includes new graphic evidence from the Tello Archive, in the custody of the UNMSM. The presentation of the volume was held on June 15, 2021, and was attended by representatives of the institutions responsible for the new edition.
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The Solidarity Fund for Social Entrepreneurship (ENTREPRENEURIAL FUND) of the Wiese Foundation is an Impact Investment platform that seeks to identify and boost duly incorporated companies in Peru that (1) have been created with the mission of addressing a social problem that is relevant for the most vulnerable communities, through their commercial operations, (2) are in the early stages of their operation; that is, prior to their commercial scaling, (3) can provide some evidence of the success of their business model, in terms of the potential for economic growth, self-sustainability and social impact.
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This is the first project of Works by Taxes (OXI) from the Culture Sector, in Peru; it is also the first to be co-executed by a national entity (Ministry of Culture) and a sub-national one (National Government of La Libertad). This project will be funded by Inmuebles Panamericana S.A., who has entrusted its execution to the Wiese Foundation technical team that conducts the El Brujo Archaeological Program. The main objective of the project is to increase the tourist offer of the complex, through archaeological excavation, research and conservation of 3 new zones within its intangible area, as well as the dissemination and promotion of tourism, based on the findings of the project.
Within the framework of its Educational Quality Program, in April 2016, the Wiese Foundation initiated the project “Better school climate, better learning”. This project works mainly with principals, assistant principals and teachers of 14 public schools in Lurín and Pachacamac, and its main objective is to significantly improve the institutional and classroom climate in order to favor the development of better teaching and learning.
The Wiese Foundation has signed an alliance with the Wiñaypaq Educational Association, an institution that provides bilingual intercultural education (EIB) at the initial and primary levels, which is located in the Cusco region. Within the framework of this alliance, a series of projects will be carried out, scheduled for the benefit of the students of the aforementioned educational institution.
"Lady of Cao, Legacy of Power" is the result of teamwork between Fundación Wiese and Estrafalario, whose objective was focused on the recovery of pre-Hispanic textile techniques, inspired by the Lady of Cao, with the goal of reinserting this knowledge, practically forgotten, in today's market, by creating a fashion collection. For the correct development of this initiative, the participation of the artisans and other residents of the Magdalena de Cao district, the community surrounding the El Brujo archaeological complex, located in the Ascope province, in La Libertad, as well as the participation of the specialists, was fundamental. and technicians from the institutions that promoted the initiative. Likewise, the same professionals who protect the archaeological collections of El Brujo also participated, who provided technical advice to the project participants, with the aim of ensuring that the structures, techniques and textile designs, which were taught in the workshops, will have contextual and historical information that further nurtures their learning.
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This project is the first to be implemented within the framework of the Wiese Education Fund with the purpose of financing the technical studies of approximately 160 students from SENATI –National Industrial Work Training Service–, at any of its 80 sites throughout the national territory, during the next 3 years. The objective of this program is to allow talented students, at risk of dropping out for economic reasons, to successfully complete their studies, thus contributing to improve their quality of life and that of their families.
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Piql is a European company that uses state-of-the-art technology for file management and permanent storage of valuable information from various organizations. Its goal is to provide a holistic and innovative solution for long-term, offline, secure digital storage of valuable information. Those who are invited to be part of its pilot program benefit from a state-of-the-art service to preserve digital data for up to 500 GB, using its technology, at no cost. Wiese Foundation has been one of the four institutions in Peru, selected by Piql to be part of this group of pilot projects worldwide that have accessed this benefit of being able to have a space to preserve safely, offline, through of a disruptive technology, all your important files.
The 3D laser scan technology and the contribution of a multidisciplinary team of world-renowned researchers got together under the leadership of the professionals from the El Brujo Archaeological Program, to reconstruct the face of the enigmatic mummy, known as the Lady of Cao. It is believed that this historical figure was a powerful female leader of the Moche Civilization who lived more than 1700 years ago. On July 4, 2017, the results of this research project, unprecedented in Peru, were revealed to the world. Because of its relevance, the news travelled fast around the world.
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Thanks to an agreement signed in 2013 with La Fondazione Biennale di Venezia, Peru's participation for 20 years in this prestigious forum, held in Italy, became possible. Since 2016, the Cultural Board of Peru selects, organizes and produces the samples that are exhibited in Venice, as well as their replicas. The Wiese Foundation promotes and respects artistic creation and values art and architecture as a means to stimulate critical and reflective thinking and to promote well-being and development for the country.
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Within the framework of the alliance signed between the Wiese Foundation and Cyrark, an organization specialized in registering, archiving and digitally sharing the cultural heritage of archaeological sites, worldwide; the project 'The Cultural Exchange and Technology Transfer at the El Brujo Archaeological Complex' was developed, which was designed by CyArk, in alliance with the Wiese Foundation and financed by the Embassy of the United States in Peru, with the purpose of offering virtual access to the site and increasing awareness of the existence of the place among international audiences, in preparation for when the tourist activity recovers.
In order to promote the implementation of a first-level health care center for disease prevention and the promotion of health, a comprehensive care and social development of the inhabitants of Northern Lima (Puente Piedra, Carabayllo, Ventanilla, Mi Perú, Ancón and Santa Rosa), the Wiese Foundation built a clinic, located at Urbanización El Arenal of the Puente Piedra district. In 2017, the Wiese Foundation allocated a fund for the development of a comprehensive medical care program, which will be operated by the current owners of the clinic and will provide subsidized care to the most vulnerable patients in the area.
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"I Listen to You Teacher" is a strategy that has been running since July 2020 in response to the health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has free resources and services for the entire teaching community. The new renewed platform, designed and developed by the Wiese Foundation for the Peruvian Ministry of Education, contains more than 200 resources, including videos, infographics and guides on emotional and physical health, as well as advice and techniques to provide support to teachers, also available in native languages such as Quechua, Ashaninka, Awajún, Aymara and Shipibo.
A project executed within the framework of two collaboration agreements signed with the Regional Education Directorate of Ica (DREI) and the Regional Education Directorate of Metropolitan Lima (DRELM), in order to contribute to improve the pedagogical techniques for mathematics, reading comprehension and social personnel for teachers of public schools, in the districts of Alto Larán, Chincha Baja, Pachacamác and Lurín.
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The purpose of this project was to generate income and employment, as well as to incentivize the sustained and responsible development of tourism in the districts of Chavín de Huántar, Acopalca and San Marcos, located in Corredor de Conchucos, Ancash Region. This agreement was executed in collaboration with the Antamina Mining Company and the District Municipality of Chavín de Huántar.
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For four years, the Wiese Foundation participated in this project, providing support in the administration of resources donated by the Antamina Mining Company for the development of archaeological research and conservation in the Archaeological Complex of Chavín de Huántar, Ancash Region.
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Crea + is the first professional Volunteering Program in education in Peru that promotes Individual Social Responsibility among youngsters, who donate their time striving to have more children and adolescents believe in themselves in order to achieve their dreams; through a model that educates in terms of values, develops skills and boost talents in schools in vulnerable areas of Peru. The Wiese Foundation sponsored the early stages of this project, making possible its later consolidation.
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The objective of this documentary was to present the Chavin culture to the world. How it originated 3200 years ago and the importance of its influence on later cultures. The Wiese Foundation and Wanda Films co-produced this feature film that was broadcast in several local movie theaters and through the National Geographic channel, regionally.
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