alianza FW y FCE

The Wiese Foundation and the Economic Culture Fund of Peru form an alliance for cultural diffusion at the national level

Thanks to an alliance with the Economic Culture Fund of Peru, the works published by the Wiese Foundation can be obtained in the shops and bookstores of the distribution network of this renowned editorial, at the national level.

Last Friday, June 10, both entities signed a cooperative agreement through which the Economic Culture Fund will distribute, promote, and commercialize the works of the Wiese foundation. Among them are included the following publications:

Any economic profit that the alliance may generate for the institutions involved has been formally committed to new editorial projects, related to the works of research and diffusion of Peru’s cultural heritage carried out by the Wiese Foundation.

For the time being, the bookstores where the aforementioned publications are now available are:

  • Blanca Varela Bookstore (Miraflores)
  • Simón Bolívar Bookstore (Pueblo Libre)
  • José María Arguedas Bookstore (UNMSM Campus, Cercado de Lima)

They can also be obtained at

We will release information every month about new places where these publications can be acquired.

About the Economic Culture Fund of Peru:

The Economic Culture Fund of Peru is a subsidiary of the Group Fund of Economic Culture (FCE), a Mexican editorial that is property of the State. The FCE is recognized as one of the 10 most important editorials in the world.

About the Wiese Foundation:

The Wiese Foundation is a non-profit institution that promotes educational, cultural, and social innovation projects of high impact, through long-term strategic alliances.

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