Concurso Fondo Emprendedor Fundacion Wiese

Learn about the digital channels of the winners of the second edition of the Entrepreneur Fund

The Entrepreneur Fund program of the Wiese Foundation concluded successfully with its second call for applications. In this edition, the four winning social enterprises were Inkao, Pallay, Caxacori and For you, my blood. All of them are currently in the third phase of the program, receiving advice and being accompanied for their upscaling, in addition to financing with S/150 thousand. In this post we tell you more about them and share their digital channels so you may follow them and learn about their work for the community and the country.


Inkao Peru

Inkao Peru is an enterprise led by women, dedicated to the production of products derived from fine-aroma cacao. Not only does it have a significant impact on the social sphere, but also on the economic and environmental spheres. First, it works closely with farmers in the VRAEM (Valley of the Rivers Apurimac, Ene and Mantaro), thus promoting crop diversification and offering a sustainable alternative to illicit coca leaf cultivation.

Moreover, it revalorizes native cacao crops through innovative products that have received different recognitions. In addition, its focus on fair trade not only benefits producers, but strengthens local communities by providing dignified employment and economic opportunities.
Through its digital channels you can learn more about the work and purchase the products presented by Inkao Peru:


Pallay Peru Fundacion Wiese

The sustainable fashion industry also earned a place among the companies selected by the Entrepreneur Fund. Pallay is an enterprise focused on offering both clothing and home decorations, manufactured by female weavers from the high Andean communities of Acchahuata and Chalwaccocha, both in Cusco.

Pallay’s impact lies not only in generating employment for women in both communities, but also in the preservation of ancestral knowledge, as is the case with the backstrap loom technique. The items manufactured by Pallay are unique specimens, true works of art full of culture and history, produced, moreover, with threads crafted under sustainable and environmentally friendly processes.

You can learn more about the sustainable techniques used for the production of yarn for the fabrics, as well as Pallay’s social work and its products on its different digital platforms:


Caxacori Peru

Caxacori Studio is another prominent player in the fashion industry. This social enterprise, with a strong focus on the environmental impact and the community with which it works, currently presents two star products: latex soles and footwear, aside from vegan bioleather.

Their line of soles, marketed under the name Evea Ecofashion, uses wild rubber gathered by the Awajún community, which not only provides employment for this community, but also contributes to the conservation of the Amazon forests.

Through its products, methods of obtaining raw materials and manufacturing processes, Caxacori Studio seeks the preservation of more than 7,600 hectares of Amazon Forest and promotes good commercial and ethical practices to 59 Awajún families; through fair payments from a sustainable and environmentally friendly business.

To learn more about the Awajún families benefiting from this project, as well as about the new products that Caxacori is introducing to the market, we invite you to visit their digital platforms.

For you, my blood

Por ti mi sangre Peru

Finally, the fourth beneficiary of the second call for applications by the Entrepreneur Fund, is For you, my blood. This is an initiative of the Peruvian Association of Blood Donors, that aims to promote this noble activity in hospitals and clinics in Peru.

As part of its campaigns, the non-profit organization has Hemobuses, with which it travels to different parts of the city in order to encounter volunteer donors. According to the organization’s statistics, in 2023 they managed to save more than 58,263 lives thanks to their initiative; a figure that encourages them to continue with their mission in different parts of the country.

To find out about the voluntary donation campaigns, the project and the figures attained, we invite you to get to know the digital channels of For you, my blood, here:

We invite you to learn more about the 4 winning enterprises comprised in the second portfolio of the Entrepreneur Fund, to stay tuned to their websites and social networks, in order to learn more about their impact and upscaling hand in hand with the Wiese Foundation.
To learn more about our Entrepreneur Fund program , click here.

You may also be interested in:

  1. What are investment funds for entrepreneurs?
  2. How to generate savings funds in small businesses?
  3. Ideas for social entrepreneurship: How to create a new business that is profitable and helps others?

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