In the face of the global sanitary emergency unleashed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Wiese Foundation has quintupled the usual economic contribution for its annual Humanitarian Aid program, in order to contribute to saving lives and provide support to our courageous physicians and healthcare personnel, as well as providing economic support to the most vulnerable families that have not received help from the government to confront the crisis.
In order to achieve all this in the least amount of time possible, and decidedly complying with the social isolation measures ordered by the Government, the Wiese Foundation decided to drive, channel and contribute with a set of initiatives, hand-in-hand with different allies. Through them, we have so far implemented a contribution to acquire mechanic ventilators for seriously-ill patients and we have delivered a first donation of medical instruments for Villa Panamericana.
However, this crisis does not affect only the infected patients and their physicians… aside from having serious consequences on public health, but there is also a strong economic impact affecting today more than 6 million people who live in extreme poverty in Peru and who have become the group that is most affected by these days of mandatory quarantine.
This is why ADRA PERU, WIESE FOUNDATION and PANAMERICANA TV join their efforts again and launch the campaign WE ARE TOGETHER! In order to offer help to those families that live with less than S/20 soles per day and who have not received any type of economic assistance from the Government.
What is this help all about and how do we ensure that it reaches its destination?
The objective is to benefit 5000 families in extreme poverty living in Lima, Cuzco, Arequipa, Puno, Ucayali, San Martin and Cajamarca (Jaén). ADRA and WIESE FOUNDATION have already provided the contributions for the first 2000. We call upon the good-hearted persons and institutions to join the campaign.
ADRA and WIESE FOUNDATION will contribute and collect funds to deliver S/100 soles in cash to women in extreme poverty and heads of families. These contributions will be accompanied by instructions for the beneficiaries to know what foods to buy in order to have a basic emergency food basket. This basket has what is necessary for preparing three daily meals for a family of 5 members, for a period of 5 to 7 days.
The aforementioned instructions shall also indicate how to prepare and combine the foods, as well as the measures for their hygiene and handling that are necessary to prevent contagion from COVID-19. The emergency basket is designed to provide 75% of the requirements of energy and macronutrients on the basis of 2100 kilocalories per person, as recommended by the United Nations for these cases. In order to guarantee that the help reaches the specified beneficiaries and that it is effective, ADRA shall use the platform of its micro-finance program, which has been operating successfully for more than 23 years nationwide. All donations are welcome! We shall combine the smaller donations until we complete the amount equivalent to a S/100 emergency food basket for each benefiting poor family.

Another possibility to help is to donate money for acquiring medical instruments and personal protection equipment for protecting the health of the medical professionals who are deployed on the battle front, caring for the persons infected with COVID-19 in order to save their lives and prevent the spread of the virus.
In order for these donations to reach them directly, the Wiese Foundation is in permanent contact with the ESSALUD staff and their providers of medical services in order to manage each donation. They are the ones that inform us about what is needed. All donations are welcome! The contributions will serve to fulfill the requirements in terms of medical instruments and equipments that ESSALUD may ask from us.

Stay home and join the campaign that we are ever more together!