
The Wiese Foundation premieres the 5th season of its “Educational Dialogues” series

  • With the title “Identity, Cultural Heritage and Citizenship”, this new season presents a pedagogical reflection on the construction of identity and the sense of belonging in schools, hand in hand with specialists from different backgrounds.  


In the aftermath of the pandemic, as Peruvians, we faced challenges that underscored our social fragmentation. Understanding our national identity requires a multidisciplinary approach, because of its depth. We have valuable natural resources, a millennial past, and complex historical processes. The country’s multicultural richness and multi-ethnic diversity are both a treasure and a challenge to forge an identity as Peruvians.  Educators have the great challenge of facilitating the process of constructing the identity of the pupils, their sense of belonging to the community and the respect for different cultural identities, to build a shared dream as Peruvians and as citizens of the world.   

This 5th season underscores the crucial role of the school as a space for socialization to learn to live equity, inclusion and respect for differences, fundamental for a democratic society. Each chapter will explore key issues such as territorial identity, the relationship between community and heritage, links to cultural heritage and the connection between memory and identity through the methodology of projects for learning. Moreover, the series will share the inspiring experiences of teachers who have explored learning experiences linked to the cultural heritage and others who have been part of the Wiese Foundation’s “School and Identity” project at Ascope, offering a glimpse into how education can be a driver for cultural and social change.  

The first episode of this new season, filled with inspiration and knowledge, is scheduled to premiere next Thursday, September 7. Be attentive to the Wiese Foundation’s digital platforms so you don’t miss this exciting series that addresses the challenges and opportunities of the link between identity, heritage and citizenry in classrooms.   

Don’t miss the 5th Season of Educational Dialogues!  

Learn more about the Educational Quality Program  

The program seeks to contribute to the quality of education in Peru (SDG4) through the implementation of projects, the creation of educational resources and the establishment of alliances that favor the professional development of teachers, the improvement of the school climate, the promotion of citizenry and the promotion of cultural heritage. 


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