- Aside from the Mochica leader, the exhibit will show the representations of various hierarchs and rulers from Ancient Peru.
Petroperú presents a historical and artistic exhibit called ‘Huauque, power symbols in Ancient Peru’, a digital show curated by researcher José Ismael Alva Chancos, resident archaeologist of the El Brujo Archaeological Complex.

The objective of this show, which takes place in the context of the commemoration of the Bicentennial of the country, is to explore the discourses and mechanisms developed for the sustenance of the power in various pre-Hispanic cultures. This is why the Lady of Cao is among the important hierarchs exhibited in this event.
“This exhibit seeks to explore the symbols of power that existed in Ancient Peru from the Andean concept of ‘huauque’ and through the representation of some hierarchs and rulers. The initiative was driven and steered by Petroperú. The Wiese Foundation contributed with the selection of the images pertaining to the facial reconstruction of the Lady of Cao and the objects coming from her funerary context, as she is considered as an important elite personage in this show“, stated José Ismael Alva Chancos, resident archaeologist of the El Brujo Archaeological Complex, about the consideration of the Mochica leader in this event.
Aside from the Lady of Cao, the exhibit shows the representations of other outstanding figures, such as the Lady of Pacopampa, the Lord of Sipán, the Lady of the Castle of Huarmey, the Lord of Vilcabamba, the Priestess of Chornancap, Minchancaman, the Lord of Chincha and Huayna Cápac.

This historical exhibit by Petroperú was originally inaugurated with an in-person attendance in 2015, and on this occasion, it has been adapted digitally in a room that was duly conditioned so that the attendees may know better the social emblems of power from different cultures developed in our country. The exhibit also has different interactive tools designed for the enjoyment of the visitor.
Moreover, this presentation will be accompanied by a cycle of conferences given by specialists in the study of Ancient Peru who will speak about power, the role of women, the economy and the oracles and religion of the Andean world.
The digital show, the second one developed by Petroperú in 2021, is available as of Thursday 14 of October. It has guided tours conducted by specialists and people in charge of the exhibit, and may be visited at this link: https://cultura.petroperu.com.pe/tour/huauque/