
The importance of promoting social entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship undertakings are the driver for change that moves our society toward a more sustainable and equitable future. They are defined as initiatives, processes or organizations that seek to improve the quality of life of people and promote sustainable community development.

In the words of Ingrid Claudet, general manager of the Wiese Foundation, we can define social entrepreneurship as business models that not only seek commercial success, but are also committed to the positive transformation of the living conditions of the vulnerable communities with which they work.

These initiatives are not limited to addressing social problems. They go further by focusing on sustainable solutions to economic and environmental issues. The key lies in their core values, which include ethics, social innovation, equity, social commitment, and the creation of a collective impact.

Why are social entrepreneurship undertakings important?

Social entrepreneurship plays a vital role when confronting immediate challenges, addressing topics ranging from social inequalities to environmental issues. By merging ethical values, innovation and social commitment, these initiatives generate sustainable solutions, provoking a significant collective impact.

They act as beacons of hope in a world where more than 200 million people are confronted to unemployment, according to the ILO (International Labor Organization). Their importance lies in their ability to improve the quality of life and promote sustainable development, turning problems into opportunities for building a more just and equitable future.


Why is it important to promote social entrepreneurship undertakings?

For the first time, a Peruvian foundation invested part of its own funds with the purpose of identifying, promoting and financing the early stages of operation of local social enterprises. These companies are characterized by having the ability to generate sustainable and scalable social impact, as a product of their commercial success and economic growth.

That is to say, the Wiese Foundation is a pioneer, as within the country there are no other organizations of the same type that do the same that is accomplished through the Entrepreneur Fund.

Entrepreneur Fund: The way in which the Wiese Foundation promotes social entrepreneurship

The Entrepreneur Fund of the Wiese Foundation is the concrete manifestation of our commitment to social change. This program goes beyond merely funding, by providing comprehensive support to social entrepreneurs.


Within the three phases, we identify projects with impact potential are identified and selected, providing them not only with seed capital, but also with strategic advice and long-term follow-up. The second call for applications by the Entrepreneur Fund has concluded, so now the four selected entrepreneurship undertakings are in the acceleration phase.

Ingrid Claudet, general manager of the Wiese Foundation, invites the community to subscribe to the foundation’s newsletter in order to stay informed of upcoming calls for entries and to learn about the qualities that made it possible for these projects to find their place in the second portfolio of the program.

You can also read:

  1. Inkao Peru: Transforming the VRAEM through cacao farming
  2. Tourist places in La Libertad to visit in the summer
  3. UNESCO Day: What is this entity and what is its relationship with the Wiese Foundation?

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