In an action of solidarity with the most vulnerable families from 12 Educational Institutions with whom we have been working for 3 years in Pachacámac and Lurín, we donated essential food kits to 500 families.
The kits contained food for 10 days and their content was selected taking into account the provisions from the WHO.
ADRA PERÚ took care of the distribution and the safety protocols.
We had the help from the Peruvian Army, the Peruvian Police Force and the Municipal Security Force of Pachacámac, whom we thank for their contribution to safety and order in this action of solidarity.
We also thank the managers and teachers from the 12 Educational Institutions who convened and mobilized the families, especially the directors from Educational Institutions 6006 and 6028, who kindly lent their premises for the distribution. We had the disinterested collaboration of guards, maintenance and administrative personnel from both schools.
Thanks to the respect and compliance with the safety indications, the distribution was a success and now 500 families can count on that help.