“School and Identity” is a project of the “Educational Quality” program of the Wiese Foundation through which it seeks to contribute to the improvement of the school climate to favor learning in the schools that are in the area of influence of the El Brujo Archaeological Complex, in Ascope, La Libertad.
It is currently in its second year of implementation. The project serves 275 principals and teachers in 14 schools in the province of Ascope, benefiting 4000 students over a period of three years.
The specific objectives of the project are summarized as:
- Strengthening the socioemotional skills of principals and teachers.
- Promoting relevant, participatory and democratic pedagogical strategies.
- Promoting the sense of belonging to the educational community and the territory.
To achieve these objectives, socioemotional skills development workshops are carried out, pedagogical accompaniment is provided in a personalized way to teachers in service, as well as micro-workshops according to their needs. Moreover, the principals are being empowered so that the changes remain settled in the culture of the institution when the project concludes.
Furthermore, training is provided to teachers, technical assistance for the formulation and execution of learning projects, as well as mediated visits to the El Brujo Archaeological Complex within the framework of the projects, among other important actions.
Actions that have been carried out in the “School and Identity” project of the Wiese Foundation in 2023
Below, we share some of the activities that have been carried out as part of the project:
Joint work with the Regional Management of Education of La Libertad (GRELL) and the UGEL (Local Educational Management Unit) of Ascope
We started the year with the presentation of the project to the new authorities in the Regional Management of Education of La Libertad (GRELL) on February 17, 2023.
In it, the results of the first year of implementation of the project in 2022 were disseminated and the actions that will be carried out in this new year in favor of the teachers of the region were presented to the authorities of the Regional Management of Education (GRELL) and the UGEL of Ascope.
Moreover, both the GRELL and UGEL of Ascope renewed the intention to continue the tripartite certification of the in-service training of 275 principals and teachers who are part of the project.

First meeting of Directors of the Project “School and Identity” and visit to the Archaeological Complex of El Brujo
On February 23, the first meeting was held with the principals of the 14 Educational Institutions that are part of the “School and Identity” Project. This venue was very important, because it started this year’s actions in the project for all the schools in the network.
In this way, we seek to work together with the pedagogical leaders of the schools. It was a meeting among principals and an opportunity to get to know each other more, to welcome the new members, to get stronger as a network and work collaboratively among themselves.
Also, the principals had the opportunity to visit the El Brujo Archaeological Complex with a guide and specialized attention from the Research Team of the complex, taking into account their prominent role in fostering the sense of belonging to the community and the territory on the part of the students.

Presentation of the Project “School and Identity” to the new administration of the Regional Government of La Libertad
On March 29, we conducted the presentation of the Wiese Foundation to the new administration of the regional government and its teams. The meeting consisted in the presentation of the El Brujo Archaeological Complex Program and the “School and Identity” Project that we have been carrying out in 14 educational institutions of Ascope, hand in hand with the Regional Education Management (GRELL) and the UGEL of Ascope.
Moreover, we shared the progress and projections of said programs and projects in order to continue strengthening the alliance between both institutions, in line with Goals 4 and 17 of Sustainable Development (SDGs) that promote the development of the La Libertad region.

Workshop for Principals: “Managing our emotions in emergency situations”
In the face of the emergency situation that was confronted in northern Peru due to the rains, the start of the school year was postponed, leading the principals of the educational institutions to confront multiple challenges in this context.
Given that situation, we deemed it pertinent to start the socioemotional skills workshops with the principals with the theme: “Managing our emotions in emergency situations”, so that they may have tools for emotional management, both for themselves and for their teaching teams, thus favoring the care of those who are in charge of directing the educational communities.

Don’t miss the opportunity to learn more about the Wiese Foundation’s “School and Identity” project! Visit our website: Wiese Foundation.