
Learn the art of “release and let go” through meditation

According to the United Nations Children’s Fund, UNICEF, all emotions fulfill a function. For example, guilt is an emotion through which we obtain information about the consequences of our actions and thus we can learn from them. However, when emotions like this go from being adaptive to destructive, we can ultimately become our own enemies, in the sense of hurting ourselves.

In this context, knowing how to handle this emotion is necessary. One of the steps to overcome emotions that we cannot control (as can happen with guilt) and that tend to become negative, is to “let go”.

But, what does it mean to “release and let go”?

According to the health website Healthwise, letting go of negative emotions does not mean ignoring them or escaping them. On the contrary, it implies recognizing and accepting them and then not continuing to carry them. To achieve this release, different techniques can be followed; for example, one can practice the art of releasing and letting go through twisting and relaxation.

How to free ourselves from negative emotions with twisting and relaxation?

Cómo liberarnos de emociones negativas

One of the most common negative emotions today is stress. When we are stressed the levels of adrenaline and cortisol rise in the body. Therefore, it is important that after a peak of physical and mental activity we take a moment to relax.

For example, being able to lie on the floor and making the whole system rebalance and be in equilibrium. Thus, we will be able to regulate our hormonal system and then have more energy to carry on with our day.

Some exercises that can help achieve this goal:

  • Rest your knees and palms on the floor. The former at the height of your hips, and your hands at the height of your shoulders. Inhale deeply and stretch your hips and torso back. Stay in this position as you inhale and exhale slowly and deeply through your nose.  Then return to the starting position, cross your legs, sit down and stretch your legs.
Movimiento, Respiración y Meditación
  • In the previous position, sitting with your legs straight, bend your knees towards your chest. With your left arm, hug your knees and rest your right hand on the floor behind your hip, with your arm straight, and twist backwards, looking to the right side, while you inhale and exhale. Repeat the movement toward the other side.
El arte de soltar o dejar ir a través de torsiones
  • Lie on the floor and as you inhale and exhale, repeat the mantra “I’m letting go”. Say “letting” every time you inhale and “go” every time you exhale. As you do this, imagine that everything that weighs you down is released through your back to the center of the earth.

Watch the series “Movement, Breathing and Meditation” of the Educational Quality program

The Wiese Foundation, through the series “Movement, breathing and meditation”, aims to provide tools to strengthen us emotionally, physically and mentally. We invite you to see the complete chapter 3:  “The art of releasing or letting go by twistingand learn more about the Educational Quality program at this link.

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