How to better organize your time as a teacher?

The teaching profession is a noble and challenging task that requires not only pedagogical knowledge, but also effective time management skills. In an environment where exigencies are constant, it is essential for teachers to find effective strategies for optimizing their time and to achieve a balance between teaching, planning, and personal well-being. In this post, […]
What are the biosafety measures that schools in Peru follow?

For students to have a safe return to classes, is important that not only they are careful, but also their parents and teachers. Since the start of in-person classes in Peru, the Ministry of Education has set strict biosafety measures to avoid COVID-19 infection among students. The effectiveness of these norms could be reflected in […]
What challenges does education face during this stage of the post-pandemic?

The challenges that the pandemic has left for education pose great obstacles for teachers and parents. The pandemic has left a big scar on education in all the countries of the world. Distance learning and the virtual experience, while efficient for avoiding COVID-19 infection and continuing with academic activities, left disproportionate differences that have set […]
The Wiese Foundation and the Economic Culture Fund of Peru form an alliance for cultural diffusion at the national level

Thanks to an alliance with the Economic Culture Fund of Peru, the works published by the Wiese Foundation can be obtained in the shops and bookstores of the distribution network of this renowned editorial, at the national level. Last Friday, June 10, both entities signed a cooperative agreement through which the Economic Culture Fund will […]
“Identity, Memory, Project”, a workshop that brought teachers from the province of Ascope closer to their cultural heritage

Teachers participating in the project “School and Identity”, under the Wiese Foundation’s Educational Quality program, attended this workshop on Saturday, April 30. On Saturday, April 30, the workshop for teachers “Identity, Memory, Project” took place as part of the actions carried out for the initiative “School and Identity”, under the Wiese Foundation’s Educational Quality program […]
What is stress, and how can you overcome it in the family environment?

Sara Encinas, from the Educational Quality program of the Wiese Foundation, gives recommendations about how to deal with this problem, which affects almost half of Limeñans. Stress presents itself throughout our lives, in different moments and in different ways. This has been studied since hundreds of years ago and has an important role in the […]
Welcoming Spaces, the key to the return to in-person classes for teachers

Managing these environments within schools not only helps teachers to overcome the effects of the pandemic, but also carries over to their students. Welcoming spaces are environments for listening in a group or exchanging personal experiences about some important occurrence, a useful tool that Rosario Bringas, a specialist in expressive arts therapy from the Educational […]
Return to in-person classes: how do we deal with the fear of COVID-19 infection?

Following the return of millions of Peruvian students to in-person classes, one of the most common fears is of COVID-19 infection. Students, parents, and teachers have kept up a constant battle, for the last two years, to avoid COVID-19 infection; complying with and respecting the norms set by the Peruvian government to stop the spread […]
What role does the family play in the return to in-person classes?

Regarding the return to in-person classes for millions of students in Peru, the role that the family plays in this process is fundamental. In this article, we explain why. According to the Ministry of Education, on Monday, March 14, more than 4 million students in 18 regions of Peru returned to in-person classes, a process […]
Return to in-person classes: what do we need for our children to make a strong return to school?

Edith Tovar, from the Wiese Foundation’s Educational Quality Program, indicates that one of the most important steps in this process is recognizing the emotions that the return to in-person learning generates. Since a few weeks ago, students and teachers across the country have returned to schools after 2 years of distance learning as a result […]