Cash Transfers for Peruvian Vulnerable Populations

• More than 3,500 families in 10 regions were directly benefited from the campaign “We are Together, against COVID19”. Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, the Wiese Foundation, ADRA Peru and Panamericana TV, allied to help the most vulnerable families in the country, while respecting the strict measures of social isolation established by the Government. With […]

The Wiese Foundation addresses very urgent needs of MINSA (Ministry of Health) and ESSALUD (Social Health Security)

Almost since the beginning of the State of Emergency, the Wiese Foundations activated its Humanitarian Aid Program to provide relief and protection to the most vulnerable among those affected by the grave consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru: patients, physicians and healthcare personnel, vulnerable families and law-enforcement personnel. This being a sanitary emergency, the […]

The Wiese Foundation donates mattresses to the Peruvian Navy

The Wiese Foundation, through its Humanitarian Aid Program, contributes directly to the care of the most vulnerable communities in emergency situations, so within this Program it destines annually a fixed amount of money in order to activate and drive humanitarian aid campaigns. Hence, through said Program and within the framework of the National Sanitary Emergency […]

We are together! To confront COVID-19

In the face of the global sanitary emergency unleashed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Wiese Foundation has quintupled the usual economic contribution for its annual Humanitarian Aid program, in order to contribute to saving lives and provide support to our courageous physicians and healthcare personnel, as well as providing economic support to the most vulnerable […]

What is the importance of non-profit organizations?

importancia de las organizaciones sin fines de lucro

In a faraway town of the Cuzco highlands, humble families who used to cook amid the soot now have improved kitchens that have made it possible for their lives to be healthier.  At the same time, in the capital, a young student lady who was about to drop out of her studies due to a […]

Positive discipline in the classroom, a look into a new teaching

“A battle with a child is always a lost battle.  We will never get his cooperation through fighting.  We would save an incalculable amount of tension and useless effort if we realized that cooperation and love are never obtained by force”.  This powerful statement belongs to Alfred Adler, an Austrian psychotherapist and one of the […]

We conducted successfully the First Workshop for School Management “Toward Autonomy 2020”

In order to foster the transformation into a better school climate in the educational centers, the Wiese Foundation, through its Educational Quality Program, conducted the First Workshop for Management called “Toward Autonomy 2020”, attended by the directors from the schools of the project “Better school climate, better learning”, those in charge of the accompaniment, and […]

Learn about the good practices and trends of social entrepreneurship

Before learning about the practices and trends of social entrepreneurship, it would be ideal to know what the substantial difference is between a social entrepreneurship and a traditional one. Let’s start with the latter which is the most common and involves finding a business idea and carrying it out. On the other hand, social entrepreneurship […]

How can you achieve your goals with the wiese foundation educational credit?

Joselyn Chaña is a young enthusiast who, with her own and their parent’s effort, was able to enter to study at SENATI, an educational institution specialized in training in industrial work. She chose the career of Environmental Technologies because from a young age she was always concerned about the care of the environment. However, as […]