Gastronomic Director Renato Peralta provides mentorship to a social undertaking of Wiese Foundation
Renato Peralta is a chef, a baker and the gastronomic director of Civitano, a holding company from Grupo Wiese, which currently owns the brands of important chains of restaurants in Peru and Chile. He has an extensive experience and has been part of the growth of various gastronomic endeavors, which, in the last months, have had to adapt […]
The “We Are Together Against COVID-19” Campaign shall serve the oncological patients of the Frida Heller Shelter
Continuing with its efforts to provide help to the most vulnerable, Wiese Foundation, the Cancer Foundation and the Red Suma Association allied themselves to provide support to vulnerable patients who travel from the provinces to receive care at the National Institute of Neoplastic Diseases, in Lima. This is about the 40 patients, their caretakers (in […]
Medical campaign for the prevention, screening and treatment of non-complex cases of COVID-19 by Wiese Foundation
• More than 2,400 vulnerable persons will be served in a new “We are together against Covid-19” aid initiative: the Humanitarian Aid Campaign of 2020. • The interventions started last Thursday October 22 in the North zone of Metropolitan Lima, and shall extend until the end of the year. In order to contribute to the […]
Empanadas (turnovers) that delight the palate and the heart in times of pandemic
Empanacombi is a company in the gastronomy sector dedicated to the production and sale of empanadas (turnovers), whose proposal of value is to include in its labor force persons with some type of different skill. After the sanitary alert declared due to COVID-19, the company had to stop its operations for two months and a half. […]
Wiese Foundation and its commitment to the archaeological heritage
Wiese Foundation, in alliance with the Ministry of Culture, works to research, conserve, valorize and disseminate the findings made within the El Brujo Archaeological Complex located in the department of La Libertad. This work was inspired by the love of Peru and the passion of Guillermo “Pancho” Wiese, who started this project in August of 1990. […]
Estrafalario: a social company that reinvented itself during the pandemic
Estrafalario is a brand of urban fashion that offers garments and accessories with versatile and original designs. This brand is aimed at women who are economically active and, unlike their competition, the added value that Estrafalario offers their consumers is the possibility of generating a social and environmental impact through their purchase. Valery Zevallos, general manager […]
The help cannot stop!
In an action of solidarity with the most vulnerable families from 12 Educational Institutions with whom we have been working for 3 years in Pachacámac and Lurín, we donated essential food kits to 500 families. The kits contained food for 10 days and their content was selected taking into account the provisions from the WHO. […]
Wiese Foundation presents the “Growing among teachers” series. The emotion of sadness
Wiese Foundation, committed to the development and reinforcement of socioemotional skills in the professional and personal dimension of the teachers of Peru, created the Growing Among Teachers series. Growing Among Teachers is part of the Educational Quality Program of Wiese Foundation, which has 13 chapters whose objective is to contribute to the management of the emotions of the […]
Wiese Foundation organizes the VI International Archaeology Colloquium
The current crisis caused by the pandemic has originated abrupt changes in all of the sectors of human activity. The archaeological sites and site museums have not been an exception. It is in this complicated context that the questions arise: What are the new objectives of a museum for public attendance? Can an archaeological site […]
Five social programs rethought to directly contribute to the national emergency
The Wiese Foundation directs all its efforts to contribute to the government and the most vulnerable populations in responding to the COVID-19 serious consequences. Since the COVID-19 virus unleashed in national territory, the Wiese Foundation reframed its programs to find the best way to contribute to the difficult situation, one that is unprecedented in national […]