Beneficiaries will receive baskets of non-perishable food items and medical attention, through two simultaneous campaigns, whose budget is over six hundred thousand soles.
More than 1,000 vulnerable homes from the eight districts of the province of Ascope, in the region of La Libertad, will be beneficiaries of the campaign, “We are working together for your wellbeing”, organized by the Wiese Foundation, in alliance with the Montpelier Foundation, ADRA Peru, and the Red Sum Association.
The purpose of this new campaign – under the Wiese Foundation’s Humanitarian Aid Program – is to contribute to relieving the impact of the health crisis and its grave economic consequences on the most vulnerable populations, in the districts of Rázuri, Chicama, Santiago de Cao, Chocope, Paiján, Casa Grande, Magdalena de Cao, and Ascope. The beneficiaries of this important initiative will receive food assistance, medical attention, and counselling for taking integral care of their health.
Food assistance
This consists of the direct delivery of non-perishable food items, enough to live off for at least 14 days according to international humanitarian aid standards, to 1,000 vulnerable families, previously selected and sponsored. These food items can already be found at the Wiese Foundation facilities in the area and will be delivered according to a schedule, duly coordinated with the community leaders of each district. The baskets of food contain rice, noodles, oatmeal, split peas, lentils, canned fish, evaporated milk, oil, and sugar.
Health Campaign
This will be carried out at 4 strategic points throughout the province, previously identified by ADRA, in coordination with local authorities; a team of 30 health professionals and technicians will travel, along with an additional brigade of volunteers, with the goal of offering 1,000 medical consultations, in the specializations of general medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics, triage, preventive counselling for COVID-19, and pharmacy services. All these services and products will be offered free of charge, to attend to the complete treatment of the primary uncomplicated ailments present in the zone.

About the selection of the beneficiaries
It is hoped that more than 5,000 people will benefit from the campaign “We are working together for your wellbeing”; they belong to the main pockets of poverty in the province, as indicated by the local authorities of each district, and they also present the highest Poverty Probability Indices (PPI), among the 2,000 families sponsored in the first phase of the project.

This first stage of the campaign was carried out between the 14th and the 28th of September, by means of a special team that gathered socioeconomic data on all the districts of the province, with collaboration from local health entities, district governments, and the leaders of diverse grassroots associations. The PPI survey is an instrument applied internationally by ADRA for the prioritization of beneficiaries of humanitarian aid campaigns.
Attention to special cases
For the 10% of the families who have been sponsored and prioritized as beneficiaries of this campaign that demonstrate the most critical situation of vulnerability and that, as a result of this, can’t reach the delivery points for food or the locations where the stationary health campaigns will be carried out, 2 mobile brigades have been established, composed of doctors, technical staff, and logistical staff, who will travel to where these families are located to offer them the food assistance and all the services of medical attention previously mentioned. In this way, we will make sure that, above all, those who are most forgotten will receive a message of hope, as well as the help that they so badly require.
The donation of funds for the campaign
Although the Wiese Foundation has led the organization of this humanitarian aid campaign, it is only possible thanks to the commitment two Peruvian families have to the country, and in particular, to the province of Ascope; a commitment that goes back almost 60 years. These two families have provided, unconditionally and voluntarily, the economic resources needed to hire all the human teams involved in the execution of the programmed activities, as well as for the acquisition of the food, medicine, and contracting of logistical services required. Both families are represented by their respective foundations: the Montpelier Foundation and the Augusto N. Wiese Foundation.
About our allies for the execution of the campaign
ADRA is one of the principal non-governmental organizations for aid in the world, present in more than 130 countries, and recognized and registered in the Peruvian Agency for Technical International Cooperation (APCI). In Peru, ADRA has been operating since 1965, attending to emergency and disaster situations, among other projects carried out annually at the national level by this institution, in collaboration with diverse allies.
The Red Sum Association is a non-profit organization, of Peruvian capital, of which one of its purposes is the promotion of projects for the development of communities and/or social sectors that find themselves in a state of exclusion. The Red Sum Association forms a part of a private corporation, specializing in health care and promotion, in alliance with the Peruvian government.
Both institutions, ADRA and the Red Sum Association, have been strategic allies of the Wiese Foundation for the last five years; throughout these years, they have worked together on various projects.
With the execution of this campaign, we will close out our institutional activities planned for the year 2021. We are happy to do this in Ascope, a region in which the Wiese Foundation has had an uninterrupted presence for over three decades, dedicated to the labors of investigation, conservation, promotion, and social use at the El Brujo Archaeological Complex. This cultural space, which today is National Heritage, is located in the lower valley of the Chicama River, in the aforementioned province.
Our special recognition and thanks to the institutional allies that have joined the Wiese Foundation in this campaign, as well as each and every person who has not hesitated in collaborating, with all their energy, to make this possible; we promise to continue working together in the future. The campaign “We are working together for your wellbeing” also marks the beginning of a new era in the history of the Wiese Foundation’s presence in this area; an era that will focus on collaborative work with the community, firmly maintaining our purpose of contributing to better citizens who will forge the Peru of the future.
If you want to know more about the Wiese Foundation’s Humanitarian Aid Program, click here: